Imprivata, a healthcare IT security company, and Verato, a provider of patient identity matching solutions, today announced an integration partnership to offer a comprehensive solution for patient identification and record matching challenges. The integration will link links Imprivata PatientSecure, a positive patient identification solution for healthcare, with Verato Universal™ MPI, a cloud-based master patient index (MPI) solution powered by Verato’s proprietary referential matching
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HHS Proposes New Interoperability Rules to Publicly Report “Information Blocking”
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today proposed new rules to support seamless and secure access, exchange, and use of electronic health information. The rules, issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), would increase choice and competition while fostering innovation that promotes patient access to and control over their health information. The proposed ONC rule would
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Epic, Impact Advisors and Premier Named 2019 Overall Best in KLAS
Epic was named the top Overall Software Suite for the ninth consecutive year in the newly released Best in KLAS2019 Software & Services report. In addition to the overall software suite award, Epic was named the top Overall Physician Practice Vendor, won Best in KLASawards in nine segments, and won Category Leader awards in two segments. Understanding Best in KLAS Best in KLAS is based on information obtained from the 2,500 interviews KLAS conducts with providers and payers each
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Former ONC Chief Karen DeSalvo Joins LRVHealth as Executive Advisor
Former ONC Chief and Assistant Secretary at HHS joins “Inside Healthcare” investing platform focused on identifying and nurturing digital health innovation. Dr. Karen DeSalvo, who served as National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and Assistant Secretary for Health (Acting) during the Obama administration is joining LRVHealth as an executive advisor. LRVHealth is an early-stage venture platform exclusively focused on finding, investing in and building disruptive new digital health,
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HHS Awards $1.5M to Pilot Programs to Improve Flow of Health Info
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) announced seven recipients of two Cooperative Agreement programs to improve the flow of health information. The awardees of the High Impact Pilot (HIP) and Standards Exploration Award (SEA) will share a total of $1.5 million to create standards-based solutions that facilitate the exchange of health information. Awardees are expected to report results September 15, 2017.The
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ONC Awards Boston Children’s Hospital $275k for FHIR App Ecosystem
The ONC has awarded Boston Children’s Hospital, $275k to address the goal of coordinating open information about market-ready FHIR app solutions. The funding will support the development of an FHIR app discovery site that makes it easier for developers to publish their apps and for providers to discover and compare them. Related: What FHIR Means for Interoperability and Its Potential in Population HealthAccording to the ONC, the cooperative agreement requires Boston Children’s Hospital to:1.
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ONC Launches Move Data Forward Challenge, Awards Up to $75k
As health IT adoption continues to grow and mobile health technology becomes more accessible, consumers are playing an even greater role in how and when their health information is exchanged, or shared. These destinations could be between and among their clinicians, hospitals, or even family members. One in three individuals who saw a health care provider in the past year experienced at least one of the following gaps in information exchange:[1]- Had to bring an X-ray, MRI or other type of test
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Rebooting Meaningful Use: Is It Accomplishing Its Mission?
Editor's Note: Dr. Reid Coleman is the Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) for evidence-based medicine at Nuance.
Meaningful Use is an important set of criteria designed to improve quality and safety, but is it accomplishing its mission?
The proposed rules for Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 3 were just released by both CMS and the ONC. Many writers have commented on these rules, and this blog post is not a commentary about the rules. As always, I recommend readers go to John
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The Kabuki Dance Of “Blocking Data” In Healthcare
The lack of data interoperability in healthcare continues to plague and haunt the entire industry. Much of the challenge falls squarely in the realm of Electronic Health Record (EHR) software, but EHR software is by no means the only category where this challenge is directly affecting patient lives. I ‒ along with countless others ‒ have written extensively about this topic. Last year I did a 5‒part series on just "interoperability" which I published on Forbes. One piece highlighted the
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Meaningful Use Stage 3 Proposed Rule: 5 Takeaways for Physicians
On March 20, 2015 the stars aligned to produce four simultaneous events that will never again coincide during the life of human civilization. The first three, the vernal equinox, a total solar eclipse and a new supermoon, were brought to us by the stars themselves, and the fourth one was thrown out there by the government. The regulations for Meaningful Use Stage 3 were finally published. Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHR) was presented to us back in 2009 as part of a stimulus
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