1. Ayogo Health
Ayogo’s proprietary platform, Empower, has been deemed effective enough to be designated a Digital Therapeutic. Customizable according to physician or practice goals, the software incorporates elements of gamification and social networking to create sustainable behavior change and long-term healthy habits. The platform has already been adapted for patients with various chronic conditions including obesity, insomnia and Type II diabetes.
Founded: 2011
Founders: Michael Fergusson & Paul Prescod
Category: Patient Engagement
Funding: $2.5 million
Why you should pay attention – Already accredited by companies like Merck, Sanofi, Novartis, Kaiser Permanente and Boehringer Ingelheim, users of the company’s platform have shown a 200% improvement in target health outcomes over control groups.
2. Cognilab
The Cognilab platform is advertised as being ‘faster, cheaper and more effective’ for creating, crowdsourcing and sharing psychology experiments. Effectively making the World Wide Web a recruiting tool, this platform minimizes a startup’s financial and technological barriers to market entry and allows companies to recruit and capture the data needed to conduct robust clinical trials.
Founded: 2013
Founders: Ladan Mahabadi, Kelsey Hannan & Jose Barrios
Category: Diagnostics
Funding: $212.4 thousand
Why you should pay attention – This UX friendly platform lets scientists and non-technologically savvy patrons produce and distribute surveys to gather pertinent information in a time-sensitive manner. It has the potential to catalyze clinical trials by expanding patient pools to the global community therefore speeding up the relevant approval processes.
Of all the health issues in developing countries, cancer is one condition that affects populations on a wide-scale basis without discrimination. Having crafted diagnostic tests based on gene mutations, this company aims to identify therapeutic targets for patients, acquired drug resistant mutations and mutations that may have prognostic or diagnostic implications for patient care.
Founded: 2012
Founders: David Huntsman, Samuel Aparicio & Sohrab Shah
Category: Diagnostics
Funding: Undisclosed
Why you should pay attention – From breast to colorectal cancer, the data collected by CG’s studies has the ability to significantly impact future studies and treatment processes. The company’s technology is already being utilized for other genetic and hereditary conditions and may have the ability to identify at-risk patients before symptoms develop, giving healthcare systems the ability to expand upon preventative care and save costs.
This mobile health company builds apps that offer curated, diagnostic information to patients with chronic conditions that will assist them in effectively managing their health. eTreat’s current suite of apps focus on managing arthritis, skin conditions, muscular/skeletal disorders, chronic wounds and diabetic ulcers.
Founded: 2014
Founders: Nick Mackinnon, Shanil Gunasekara, Malith Gunasekara & Fartash Vasefi
Category: Diagnostics & Treatment
Funding: Undisclosed
Why you should pay attention –Enabling a greater level of personalized care, patients using eTreat’s apps can take a guided photograph of their condition, receive detailed analysis on their progress over time and share the report of what treatments have the best results with their doctors. The MyHand app has been approved to be marketed as a Class I medical device in Canada, opening the pipeline for the company’s future products.
5. LifeBooster
The LifeBooster patent-pending system is comprised of three unique wireless sensors that integrates into existing uniforms or gear, has biometric data analysis capabilities and can be used by professionals to conjure customized rehabilitation programs or musculoskeletal injury prevention plans. Based on the data collected, employers can create personal disability management programs or even health and safety training exercises to prevent employee injury. Employers can minimize occupational hazards, lower healthcare costs and maintain a healthy and efficient workforce, thereby ensuring certain levels of productivity.
Founded: 2012
Founders: Stacey Wallin & Bryan Statham
Category: Diagnostics & Technology
Funding: Undisclosed
Why you should pay attention – Moving beyond employee wellness in the mining, oil and gas industries (or those industries which hard labor is required), the technology has great potential for growth in Canada, a country where specialty and post-operative care are often difficult to access in a timely manner.