“A company’s odds of success are better the closer they can get to their market,” argues Stephen Hurwitz, a thought leader in the Canadian venture capital industry, recognizing that the proximity to a VC-tech hub can help the success rate of Canadian startups.
A socialized healthcare system, Canada’s market is fragmented by province and type of care – most primary and emergency care is free for residents whereas specialty care, prescription drugs, long-term and in-home care amongst others,
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Interface Health
Interface Health Launches Global Digital Health Accelerator
Interface Health Society, a not-for-profit digital health organization based in Vancouver, BC, has officially launched Interface Health, which is a global digital health accelerator and online community. The accelerator is a place for digital health innovators to find the resources they need, anytime, anywhere. That means faster access, reduced costs, improved experiences and better outcomes for everybody. Interface Health is an integrated multi-platform consisting of an annual global
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