Cerner names Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its preferred cloud provider to power enhanced clinical experiences, etc.Cerner Corporation (CERN) today announced a multi-faceted, strategic collaboration with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an company, to accelerate healthcare innovation across the globe including naming AWS its preferred cloud provider. This expanded relationship is expected to power enhanced clinical experiences, increase efficiencies by lowering operational burdens for
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Patient Satisfaction Impact on Healthcare | News, Analysis, Insights - HIT Consultant
5 Steps to an Efficient Data-Driven Transfer Center
Empowered teams, standardized processes, reliable insight, automation, and measurement will improve operations, decrease leakage and improve the patient experience.
High-performance transfer centers are becoming mandatory components for any health system operating in competitive healthcare markets, which are only becoming more competitive and consolidated. That is because high-performance transfer centers help align patients with the right care, in the right location at the right time, which
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Referential Matching—What It Is and Why It Matters for Providers
Clean patient data is the critical first step for any successful health IT integration, EHR conversion, interoperability initiative or electronic information exchange. According to a recent Pew Charitable Trusts report, most hospital executives and administrators believe the accuracy of patient matching when information is exchanged between organizations with different EHR systems is subpar.
Further, as health systems continue to consolidate and add more data to their networks, the importance of
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Philips Acquires Patient Navigation Platform Medumo
Philips has acquired Boston-based patient navigation platform Medumo for an unclosed sum, according to CBNC reports. Founded in 2013, Medumo helps hospitals, surgical centers, and care teams automatically guide patients throughout their care journey. The company has raised a total of $2.1M. Its patient navigation platform ensures that patients appropriately schedule, show up on time, have all their pre-appointment tasks completed, and continue to follow instructions when they go home after their
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Did EHRs Light the Physician Burnout Fuse?
According to the American Medical Association, about 50 percent of practicing doctors are experiencing burnout and EHRs are a significant driver of this problem. For every hour physicians spend on direct patient care, the report indicates that they spend two hours on EHR data entry and other administrative tasks. All of this adds up to more time spent with computers than with patients.
Organizational, regulatory, and technological factors are eroding many physicians’ passion for the profession,
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Providence St. Joseph Health, Blue Shield of California Team Up to Deliver Immediate Drug Cost Savings for Patients
Blue Shield of California and Providence St. Joseph Health has announced a new collaboration to help patients save hundreds of dollars a year on prescriptions. Providence St. Joseph providers are now using the new Drug-Cost Transparency Services, developed by Gemini Health LLC, and offered to Blue Shield of California plan members. Blue Shield is making the service available through its innovative collaboration with Gemini Health at no additional cost to providers.As drug costs rise, patients
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KLAS: Are Revenue Cycle Outsourced Services Worth The Investment?
One-third of providers have buyer’s remorse when it comes to purchasing revenue cycle outsourcing services, according to a recent KLAS report. Provider organizations investing in outsourced revenue cycle services to relieve cost and resource burdens need their firms to take true ownership of the complex revenue cycle and deliver accordingly.For the report, KLAS spoke to 140 provider organizations using RCO or EBOS to determine which firms are delivering and which are falling behind. The KLAS
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Physician Launches Orsini Way to Bring Compassion to Medical Communication
Dr. Anthony Orsini has announced the launch of his new company, The Orsini Way, a groundbreaking program and digital platform that shows healthcare professionals a completely new way to communicate, dramatically enhance patient satisfaction and improve outcomes. Anthony Orsini, a Board-Certified Neonatologist for more than 20 years, developed the program to help professionals practice compassion when interacting with patients.Originally founded as BBN, The Orsini Way’s initial goal was to help
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How Can Providers Support Meaningful Price Transparency to Address Consumerism in Healthcare?
The word “consumerism” and its derivatives have been tossed around the broader healthcare industry for the greater part of a decade. How we define consumerism and look at consumer behavior in relation to our institutions, systems, and programs seems key to unlocking the door to better outcomes and higher margins. However, in a landscape with more disruption than ever—greater vertical integration, technology, and regulation—we still lack the answer to these fundamental questions: What do patients
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Revenue Leakage: 3 Methods to Revive Your Charge Integrity Program
Many consider a strong charge integrity program the cornerstone and heartbeat of the revenue cycle. Without an effective charge integrity program, health care providers run the risk of revenue leakage.
According to the Healthcare Financial Management Association, “one percent of net patient revenue is lost due to charge capture errors,” which can add up to multi-millions of dollars for health care organizations. Most providers have not considered or quantified the potential dollars lost when
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