The amount of data generated by the healthcare industry is staggering—and constantly increasing. Healthcare data encompasses the personal information of patients, doctors, nurses, and administrators. It includes diagnostic information, test results, ultrasound images, x-ray images, and of course insurance and financial information. With so much sensitive patient information there for the taking, it comes as little surprise that the healthcare industry—perhaps more than any other sector—has
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Analysis: July Health IT M&A Activity; Public Company Performance
– Healthcare Growth Partners’ (HGP) summary of Health IT/digital health mergers & acquisition (M&A) activity, and public company performance during the month of July 2020.
While a pandemic ravages the country, technology valuations are soaring. The Nasdaq hit an all-time high during the month of July, sailing through the 10,000 mark to post YTD gains of nearly 20%, representing a 56% increase off the low water mark on March 23. More notably, the Nasdaq has outperformed
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Post COVID-19: 3 Things I Hope Healthcare Won’t Recover From
The loss of lives and livelihoods from COVID-19 is almost too much to comprehend. And yet, slowly, conversations are emerging about the positives percolating from the pandemic.
It’s human nature to want to look for the positives in even the worst of situations, and I’ve noticed that in both my personal and my professional circles of late, people are talking about the things they hope we don’t lose when things go back to “normal.”
Chief among them, especially in my healthcare technology
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What Therapists Need to Know about Telehealth Technology
Thousands of therapists who never intended to engage in telehealth are now doing exactly that – they are providing services to clients in lockdown using video-enabled platforms. While the technological landscape for psychotherapy is dramatically improved from even a few years ago, therapists rapidly transitioning to online services need to hold a few things in mind.
It’s not the same as in-person therapy
While online psychotherapy has been shown to be just as effective as in-person care,
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Picking Up the Pace: Healthcare’s Evolution to Social Media
Take a look at the social media feeds of your favorite store or restaurant. For B2C brands, social media is, undoubtedly, a “where-it’s-at” customer service platform as much for networking or advertising as for engaging consumers with a personality and story that captures new customers and builds affinity. Now, imagine this same social care experience from your healthcare payer or provider. Why is this such an unlikely scenario?
Undoubtedly, healthcare has room to grow in providing
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Social Distancing: Addiction Recovery Programs Go Virtual for COVID-19
We have been following the social distancing guidelines for two weeks now with more weeks to go. One population that truly needs and is literally prescribed social interaction is that of Substance Use Disorder (SUD). In fact, the 12 step (recovery approach) community, relies on being social wherein attending group meetings to share experience, strength, and hope is a part of the proven philosophy.
Turns out, social distancing while helpful with the COVID-19 crisis is creating another one;
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COVID-19 Pandemic: Why Patients Need to Control Their Own Data
We’re in throes of a global pandemic. Healthcare providers must focus on fighting COVID-19, but we can’t afford to ignore the reason we’re going into this fight blind. Our best weapon is our own healthcare data. We are going to learn many things from this pandemic, not least of which is that the way we thought about data ownership over the previous decade needs to change.
Pandemics represent a system-wide attack on healthcare. Our best responses rely on social distancing, telemedicine, and
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COVID-19’s Impact on Telehealth & HIPAA Regulations
The declaration of COVID19 as a pandemic and the United States declaring a national emergency to help contain and enhance treatment access have resulted in a number of changes to ease potential regulatory burdens or barriers in healthcare. Like so much happening as a result of the pandemic, the changes have the potential to fundamentally change the healthcare industry not just during the time of the emergency declaration.
Of particular note are coordinated announcements from various agencies
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4 Hospitals Leveraging Social Media to Improve Patient Engagement
Social media is an essential online marketing and outreach
tool for any organization that wants to connect to the largest audience
possible. However, health organizations — like
hospitals — can face unique challenges in managing social media,
which can make effectively leveraging these tools less straightforward.
Many large hospitals have been successful in making social media work for them. As a result, they've provided a template that other healthcare
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Youth Suicide & Depression Crisis: Can Health IT Make A Positive Impact?
Perhaps it’s because we live in an age of competing epidemics and crises—opioids, impeachment, homelessness, insulin—that youth suicide trends don’t warrant a front-page headline every week.The numbing, knee-bending statistics say they should.Per the CDC, suicide rates among young people 10-24 years old rose 56 percent between 2007 and 2017. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death for that group after accidents like car crashes—paradoxical tragedies often caused by the excessive
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