Practice Unite, a HIPAA secure texting provider and physician engagement firm Uniphy Health are merging together to create the healthcare industry’s most comprehensive clinical communications and collaboration solutions provider. The newly combined Uniphy Health will provide healthcare organizations with transformative, HIPAA-compliant, mobile-first solutions that deliver a positive return on investment (ROI) today and help those organizations transition to value-based care for tomorrow.
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Health IT | News, Analysis, Insights - HIT Consultant
Why Do We Need A New Operating System for Effective Shared Care Plans?
The way we pay for healthcare is changing. The transition from fee-for-service (“fee for volume”) to value-based care is beginning to take shape, and will do so increasingly in the next few years. Federal pressures as well as private industry pressures are driving this change, as reviewed nicely in a white paper by Houlihan Lokey, “Value-Based Care.”
But do we have the right tools? Value-based care implies that health care delivery be coordinated across all the different settings of care that
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Healthcare Supply Chain Report Reveals Key Growth Segments in 2015
Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) released fourth quarter 2015 data on distributed sales in both Medical Surgical (med-surg) and Clinical Laboratory (clin-lab) product segments in healthcare. The new GHX Market Intelligence “By the Numbers” quarterly report reported that the med-surg segment grew 4.4 percent in 2015 to $34.8B in volume and 4.7 percent growth to $9.1B in the fourth quarter compared to fourth quarter 2014 ($8.7B). Clin-lab decreased 1 percent to $1.92B in the fourth quarter
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Medsphere Unveils Mobile OpenVista EHR for Clinicians
Medsphere Systems Corporation, a provider of affordable and interoperable healthcare information technology (IT) solutions, today unveiled Mobile OpenVista® Enterprise (MOVE). MOVE liberates OpenVista EHR data from the desktop and enables physicians and clinical staff to work more effectively and efficiently. Derived from the proven VistA system developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Indian Health Service, OpenVista is a comprehensive EHR platform combining both clinical
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HIMSS Analytics Awards Nicklaus Children’s Hospital with Stage 7 Award
HIMSS Analytics has awarded Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami, Fla. with a Stage 7 Award. The award represents Nicklaus Children’s Hospital’s attainment of the highest level on the Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model™ (EMRAM).
Stage 7 Award: HIMSS Analytics developed the EMR Adoption Model in 2005 as a methodology for evaluating the progress and impact of electronic medical record systems for hospitals in the HIMSS Analytics™ Database. There are eight stages (0-7) that measure a
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Caradigm Forms Care Transformation Team to Accelerate Population Health Initiatives
Caradigm, a provider of enterprise population health has announced the formation of a Care Transformation Team dedicated to accelerating the success and outcomes of population health initiatives for providers that employ Caradigm solutions. Recognizing that population health is not a “one size fits all approach,” the Caradigm Care Transformation Team, consisting of clinical experts in population health, will provide deep support and guidance to providers throughout the entire customer engagement
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5 Benefits of Using Mobile Devices in Home Healthcare
Editor’s Note: This post is sponsored by Samsung. According to a report done by Frost & Sullivan, smartphones will continue to penetrate the home healthcare sector up to 95% by 2020. The consumer tablet market has been booming and with it being one of the fastest growing sectors in mobile computing (estimated to have 430 million in use by 2018), these devices have quickly found their way into the home healthcare industry. Why purchase multiple devices to do one task, when a smartphone or
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In-Depth: Paper to EHR Journey of 3 Behavioral Health Providers
Editor’s Note: D’Arcy Guerin Gue is a co-founder of Phoenix, with over 25 years of experience in executive leadership, strategic planning, IT services, knowledge leadership, and industry relations — with a special focus on patient engagement and federal compliance issues. She currently serves as the Director of Industry Relations at Phoenix Health Systems, a division of Medsphere Systems
In the public mind, the needs of the mentally ill and addicted have always taken a backseat to those of
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Health Fidelity Unveils Risk Analytics to Leverage Big Data to Predict Future Claims
Today, UPMC-funded startup Health Fidelity announced the launch of Risk Analytics, a new solution that helps healthcare organizations further improve their risk adjustment performance by optimizing ROI, identifying care gaps, and providing a network-wide view of risk adjustment performance. Now available as a subscription, the new capability enables insurers to better predict prospective claims to help stabilize risk adjustment.
As a complement to the company’s existing HCC Scout solution,
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McKesson Unveils Cloud-based Ecosystem for Medical Review & Authorization
McKesson Corporation today announced the launch of InterQual Connect™, a cloud-based medical review service with authorization connectivity for payers and providers. InterQual Connect works with the same care management systems and InterQual Criteria they already use, making it fast, easy, and cost-effective to implement and deploy.
Today the total cost of an authorization is between $35 and $100 when faxes, denials, appeals, and other aspects are considered, according to McKesson research.
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