Ontellus, a nationwide full-service procurer of medical, billing, employment records, and other claims related data services has acquired Chartswap, a cloud-based HIPAA compliant medical record exchange portal.ChartSwap BackgroundFounded in 2012 by Randy Haynes, Chartswap’s (B2B) health information exchange portal connects provides hospitals and other medical care facilities with the ability to securely delivery patient records. From a single cloud-based platform, requestors can safely order,
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Radiology | Medical Imaging | News, Insights, Analysis - HIT Consultant
NVIDIA, American College of Radiology Partner to Accelerate AI for Diagnostic Radiology
NVIDIA and the American College of Radiology are teaming up to enable thousands of radiologists nationwide to create and use AI for diagnostic radiology in their own facilities, using their own data, to meet their own clinical needs. The announcement follows a successful three-month pilot program by both parties, ACR is integrating the NVIDIA Clara AI toolkit into the newly announced ACR Data Science Institute ACR AI-LAB.ACR AI-LAB BackgroundACR AI-LAB is a free software platform that will be
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Where’s the Evidence? Barriers to Analyzing Digital Health’s Impact
The digital health industry continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. In 2018, venture funding for digital health companies approached a record $8.1B in funding, according to Rock Health. These companies are striving to address important healthcare issues by developing products and service offerings in various categories like genome sequencing, analytics, telemedicine, mobile apps, and population health management tools—all with the promise of increased insights and patient engagement, and
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March 2019 News, Merger & Acquisition, IPO, Public Company Performance Summary
A brief summary of noteworthy news, health IT M&A activity, IPOs, and public company performance during the month of March.
Noteworthy News
Amazon, JP Morgan, Berkshire Names New Joint Venture Haven
Amazon, J.P. Morgan, and Berkshire Hathaway name joint venture Haven. In January 2018, the three founding companies announced plans to create this independent organization, now called Haven, which is free from profit-making incentives and constraints. Haven’s focus is the 1.2 million
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Consumerization of Healthcare: Why Differentiation is Critical for Clinics
The consumerization of healthcare is upon us. As retail pharmacies expand their reach and giant tech companies such as Apple and Amazon enter the market, we are transitioning from patients to healthcare consumers with more options and more purchasing decisions to make.
Whether this shift will prove beneficial to overall health remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: patients are being faced with an increasing number of decisions to make that have immediate effects on health and wellbeing.
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Healthcare M&A: How Carestream Will Change Philips Strategy in Imaging Informatics
Earlier this month, Philips Healthcare announced it had signed an agreement to purchase the IT business (HCIS) of Carestream Healthcare for an undisclosed amount. The deal, expected to close in the second half of the year, is one of the largest M&A moves in the imaging informatics market for some time. While it was one of the worst kept secrets in the industry that the owners of Carestream were looking for a buyer, the decision to split off the HCIS business of Carestream was more of a
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4 Pillars of Value for AI in Medical Imaging
At ECR this year, there were over 25 independent software vendors (ISVs), many of them start-ups, showcasing artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for medical imaging within a dedicated space. Additionally, with established imaging vendors foraying into the AI space, what was once the hype is now in the early stages of market maturity, and, it appears, AI within medical imaging is here to stay.
The question has now shifted to what clinical value AI solutions can provide, rather than if AI is
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Visla Labs Raises $3M for AI Medical Diagnostics Platform for Radiology
Visla Labs, a San Francisco, CA-based AI medical diagnostics platform for radiology has raised $3M in seed funding led by Lux Capital with participation from former Twitter CEO and COO Dick Costolo and Adam Bain, as well as prominent healthcare experts and advisors. Founded in 2018 by serial entrepreneurs Kevin Quennesson, Wei-En Tan and Alessandro Sabatelli, Visla is collaborating with major hospitals, industry veterans, and award-winning physicians to re-invent the imaging experience with
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Why Are Hospitals Still Using CDs to Exchange Medical Images with Patients?
For nearly two decades, CDs have been the primary medium for medical image exchanges between providers and patients. In the mid-1990’s, CDs provided a solution to the point-of-care and transportation issues of bulky, static film and reports. Recent years have brought a widespread adoption of electronic methods for storing and sharing information in the healthcare sector---namely EMR and now interoperability. Despite the rapid (and necessary) adoption of HIT, CDs remain the primary means of
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Value-based Care Success: 7 Stages of the Health Data Life Cycle
Back in the day – the late 1960s, when social norms and the face of America was rapidly changing – a familiar public service announcement began preceding the nightly newscast. “It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?” Today, as the healthcare landscape changes rapidly with a seismic shift from the fee-for-service payment model to value-based care models, there’s a similar but new clarion call for quality healthcare: “It’s 2018. Do you know where your data is?”Compliance with the
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