The United States spends about $1 trillion per year on healthcare administration. 95% of healthcare workforce growth since 1990 has been administrative. But adding administrative staff hasn’t helped health systems stay on top of the increase in manual work queues, and it certainly hasn’t been improving outcomes for patients. So when asked if automation can drive better health system outcomes, through my work in healthcare technology, I know for a fact that it already is.
Research has
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CAQH Index
Healthcare Can Save $16.3B Automating Administrative Transactions, Report Finds
What You Should Know:
- Each year, the US healthcare industry spends $39 billion on 9 administrative transactions, according to a new report from CAQH.
- The 2020 CAQH Index also uncovered that by automating these transactions, the industry could save $16.3 billion annually--a 42% cost reduction.
CAQH, released the eighth annual report measuring the progress made by healthcare payers and providers in automating administrative transactions. The 2020 CAQH Index found that, of
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How Automation is Key to the Future of Healthcare Operations
As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. A similar correlation is seen in the quest to leverage innovation and out-of-the-box thinking to address key problems facing the healthcare industry. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought the immense pressure the U.S. healthcare system is under into sharp focus. Recent dynamics are compounded by the industry’s efforts to adopt newer ways of working and digitizing patient records, while implementing automation throughout their business
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Why Outsourcing is the Best Approach to Prior Authorizations
Doctors didn’t attend medical school to spend their waking hours managing or waiting for prior authorizations (PA), but these days it feels like that’s all they are doing.
A recent American Medical Association survey found that 90 percent of responding physicians believe that the “administrative burden related to PA requests has risen in the last five years, with most saying it has ‘increased significantly.’” As healthcare continues its acceleration toward value-based reimbursement models,
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CAQH Develops AI Solution to Improve Provider Directory Accuracy
CAQH's AI tech identifies incorrect provider data and improves the accuracy of directories without bothering the provider
CAQH has developed patent-pending artificial intelligence (AI) technology to identify incorrect healthcare provider data and improve the accuracy of directories without contacting the provider. In fact, this AI tech has the potential to save health plans $91 million annually.
Challenge of Maintaining Accurate Provider Directories
Maintaining accurate provider directories
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CAQH Index: Healthcare Claims Automation Could Save Industry $11B Annually
The U.S. healthcare industry made a modest amount of progress in healthcare claims automation, but a significant opportunity to save $11.1 billion annually remains, according to new data released today in the fifth annual CAQH Index. The report shows increased use of some manual transactions – primarily via web portals – resulting in a reversal of gains made for some of those transactions in previous years and the increase in potential savings. The $11.1 billion industry savings opportunity is
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Report: Reducing Manual Business Transactions Could Save Healthcare $9.4B
Reducing manual business transactions could save healthcare $9.4 billion in savings, according to new data released today in the fourth annual 2016 CAQH Index. The index reveals that conducting resource-intensive manual transactions are costing U.S. health plans and healthcare providers as much as $11 more per transaction and on average $6 more than when conducted electronically. CAQH Index Overview The fourth annual CAQH Index measures adoption, costs and, for the first time, provider labor
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