Hospitals are increasingly motivated to drive digital transformation in order to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, meet regulatory requirements and stay competitive. Additionally, digital transformation can support medical research and drive innovation in healthcare, as well as generate new revenue streams. An increasingly important tool as hospitals undergo these transformations is federated learning, a technology that we will expand on later. Federated learning is a machine learning
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Final Rule
Enabling a Better Future for All by Embracing Healthcare Interoperability
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has laid the critical groundwork to create a connected healthcare system in which patients, providers, and payers can easily exchange information. This is thanks in part to the release of the Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule. With new policies now in place, CMS aims to generate better health outcomes through improved interoperability and better access to health information for all stakeholders.
CMS has also identified a new
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Apixio Launches EHR-Integrated Post-Visit Solution
What You Should Know:
- Apixio, a leading AI platform that powers value-based care launches its new Apicare Post-Visit™ offering, an EHR-integrated intelligent workflow solution for health plans and providers. With the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' recent Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Data Validation Final Rule, healthcare organizations need to have complete diagnosis capture and accurate documentation for reimbursement to ensure compliance.
- The new Post-Visit
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FHIR Adoption and Implementation Challenges
The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard was introduced by HL7 in 2014 as a significant replacement for the HL7 V2 and V3 standards. An open standard called FHIR, which was initially drafted in 2011 makes it easier than ever for legacy systems and new apps to exchange data. FHIR was created to not only increase communication efficiency and interoperability compared to earlier standards but also to facilitate implementation by giving clear specifications and allowing
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The No Surprises Act is Full of Surprises
The No Surprises Act (NSA) was meant to relieve the financial burden from consumers and help prevent unexpected, and sometimes massive, healthcare bills – a goal that providers, payors and the industry at large can get behind. But a recent survey from Morning Consult found that one in five patients will still receive a surprise bill. Couple this with the scope of changes and many surprises the NSA contains for payors, and providers – and it seems this bill will take some time to live up to its
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HLTH22: Turquoise Health Launches Price Transparency Data Solution
What You Should Know:
- Turquoise Health, an end-to-end healthcare pricing platform, today announced Simple Extracts, its first price transparency data product for specialty healthcare businesses. Simple Extracts allows anyone to request and receive precise searches from both the hospital and payer rates data warehouses.
- This new product eliminates the cost and technical barriers specialty businesses encounter by delivering data to customers directly within the Turquoise Health platform.
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ONC and HRSA Launches USCDI+ Initiative to Support UDS Modernization
What You Should Know:
- ONC and HRSA launches a new USCDI+ collaboration to support HRSA’s Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting through the UDS Modernization Initiative.
- Last October ONC announced USCDI+, an initiative to support the identification and establishment of domain or program-specific datasets that will operate as extensions to the existing USCDI. In particular, ONC envisioned USCDI+ as a service that ONC would provide to federal partners who have a
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The Infrastructure Needed to Meet Health Interoperability Needs
For most patients, it has always been extremely difficult to their personal health and medical data electronically. However, with the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule, consumers, specifically Medicaid members, there is a greater push to give access to, and ownership of, this data.
With this move towards interoperability comes new requirements healthcare organizations must meet and adhere to under the rule. To meet many of these federal interoperability requirements,
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What The Finance Industry Can Teach Healthcare About Digital Transformation
The COVID-19 pandemic feels like a once-in-a-lifetime event for those of us involved in healthcare, but the patterns of how the crisis affected our industry feel familiar.
Stop me if you have heard this before: incumbent players in a broad industry made very slow and fragmented technological advances for years with no real threat to their business. Then, a sudden and transformational event catapulted direct-to-consumer technologies, forcing the incumbents to fundamentally alter their business
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Mastercard, b.well Team Up on Digital Health Patient ID Verification for Interoperability
What You Should Know:
- b.well Connected Health today announced a partnership with Mastercard to provide individuals a simpler and more secure way to prove their identity online and in-person when accessing healthcare services.
- The partnership enables healthcare organizations to provide their members and patients with a biometric alternative to verify their identity in-person or virtually, replacing traditional processes involving physical documents such as a
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