The U.S. population is aging, which means more physicians will be treating Medicare and Medicaid patients in the years to come. The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services is mandating that physicians implement Electronic Medical Records to serve these patients more effectively and efficiently, and is offering reimbursements in the thousands for investment in technology. But the money is only available if doctors meet certain meaningful use requirements.
Intel Health recently spoke with Dr.
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Health IT | News, Analysis, Insights - HIT Consultant
Xerox’s ACS Buys The Breakaway Group
ACS, a Xerox company has announced that it has acquired the software training company The Breakaway Group, adding a new cloud based service that will accelerate their adoption of Electronic Medical Records to help healthcare providers prepare for ICD-10 compliance and maximize their meaningful use funding.
Denver-based firm's technology, PromisePoint, allows caregivers to practice using an EMR just as they would in the hospital or doctor's office. By simulating their environment, they get
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Radiologists Feel Lack of Clarity in Meaningful Use Guidelines
KLAS and RNSA have partnered up to determine radiologists major concerns regarding MU (meaningful use) and what types of guidelines they felt would be beneficial to the practice of radiology. In the new survey of 216 radiologists, nearly 40 percent of participants expressed their concerns about the lack of clarity in MU (meaningful use) or decreased efficiency as a result of adopting current MU guidelines. The study entitled, "Radiologists' Take on Meaningful Use: a KLAS-RSNA Report"
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Breaking News: CMS Delays 5010 to March 31, 2012
CMS has just announced that it would not initiate enforcement action until March 31, 2012 in regards to any HIPAA covered entity that is not in compliance with the ASC X12 Version 5010 (Version 5010), NCPDP Telecom D.0 (NCPDP D.0) and NCPDP Medicaid Subrogation 3.0 (NCPDP 3.0) standards. Notwithstanding OESS’ discretionary application of its enforcement authority, the compliance date for use of these new standards remains January 1, 2012 (small health plans have until January 1, 2013 to comply
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2011 ONC Annual Meeting on 11/17/11
November 17, 2011
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) will be holding its 2011 ONC Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 17 in Washington, D.C.
In-person attendance for this meeting is closed, but we welcome you to join us virtually. Register to watch the webcast.
Schedule of Events
Thursday, November 17, 2011
ONC Grantee and Stakeholder Summit
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. EST
(All Thursday sessions are open to the public. Plenary and keynote sessions
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Webinar: CPOE & Innovations in ePrescribing
GE Healthcare CPOE & Innovations in ePrescribing Webinar
November 15, 2011
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Space is limited.
Click here to reserve your Webinar seat!
CPOE & Innovations in ePrescribing
Are you interested in the many benefits of e-prescribing beyond simply achieving Meaningful Use? Are you aware of all the innovative and valuable e-prescribing features available in EMR/EHRs and CPOE?
Please join our panel of industry experts for a
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Webinar: Are Your Financial Systems Prepared for ICD-10?
Complimentary Webinar by Firstsource: Are Your Financial Systems Prepared for ICD-10?
Learn How to Avoid Calamitous Damage to Your Bottom Line
ICD-10 will require changes for financial data management and billing, potentially causing cash flow challenges. Add to the mix ACOs, ARRA, EMRs and the rush to clinical integration and you have the potential for catastrophe.
So, have you evaluated how ICD-10 will require your financial systems to change? Do you have a plan?
Learn how you can
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Webinar: On the Heels of Stage 1 Meaningful Use: The Hospital Perspective
On this Friday, October 28, 2011 at 12 p.m. ET, NeHC University will continue its Industry Leader Briefing series on meaningful use. Following Dr. Steven Waldren and the provider perspective last week, Chantal Worzala, Director of Policy for the American Hospital Association, will present the hospital perspective on meeting Stage 1 requirements and preparing for Stage 2. She will speak on the current progress being made by hospitals that have qualified for the first wave of meaningful use
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56 Million U.S. Consumers Access Medical Information From EHRs
56 million U.S. consumers have accessed their medical information on an electronic health record (EHR) system maintained by their physician, and an additional 41 million are interested in doing so. These findings come from pharmaceutical and healthcare market research company Manhattan Research’s new Cybercitizen Health® U.S. 2011 study of consumer digital health trends, which surveyed 8,745 U.S. adults (age 18 and over) online and on the phone in Q3 2011. Additionally, the company’s Taking the
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Getting Paid After the ANSI 5010 Deadline
The January 1, 2012 deadline requiring the entire healthcare industry to adopt the new American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X12 version 5010 form for all electronic transactions is quickly approaching. The HIPAA-mandated switch puts the onus on software vendors to make the upgrade. Will your billing software meet the necessary standards so you remain receiving payments? Find out more about what this means for claims processing, and learn what Nuesoft is doing behind the scenes to ensure
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