Health plans are struggling with value-based reimbursement (VBR) due to internal and external barriers are hampering payers’ adoption of value-based programs, according to a new survey by HealthEdge and Survata. The survey reveals that for payers to have a significant chance at success with VBR programs, they must have modern and flexible technology systems that can easily collect and share data, quickly test and model new programs, and are designed to build more trust among providers of all
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value-based reimbursement model
4 Barriers to Implementing Value-based Payment Models
Majority of family physicians indicate their practices participate in value-based payment models and believe value-based payment models will encourage greater collaboration between primary care physicians and specialists, according to a new study. The 2017 Value-based Payment Study was sent to 5,000 active members of the AAFP. A total of 482 surveys were returned, and 386 were evaluated after a screening process. The study found that more and more family physicians are embracing value-based
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Focus on Standards Not Governance
Written by John Tempecsco, Chief Marketing Officer at ICA Informatcs
There are many reasons why HIEs have not historically thrived. During the CHINs of several decades ago, there were four major barriers to success. First, the prevalence and acceptability of the Internet had not emerged, and the infrastructure to connect healthcare organizations within the community cost as much or more than the solution itself. Second, there were very few clinical applications being adopted within the
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