Written by Rob Lamberts, MD providing his thoughts on 10 ways to make EMR meaningful and useful
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Clinical Documentation Tech Tools w/ Carina Edwards, VP at Nuance
Interview/podcast with Carina Edwards, VP, Marketing at Nuance Healthcare where she discusses clinical documentation tech tools and it's integration in clinical workflow including the following:
ICD-10 Delay Client Impact
Importance of CLU Tools
CLU Integration in Clinical Workflow
Nuance's Future Market Opportunities
HIT Consultant: Now given the announcement of the 1 year delay for ICD-10, have you seen any change in clients
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4 Lessons Learned from HIPAA 5010 That’ll Benefit Your ICD-10 Project
Written by Steve Sisko shares 4 lessons learned from HIPAA 5010 that will benefit your ICD-10 project
It’s a fact: ICD-10 has far more impact and involves far more change to people, processes and technology than HIPAA 5010. I’m of the opinion that much of the work expended and artifacts created during a HIPAA 5010 project - particularly test plans and test cases - will not lend direct value to an ICD-10 project. But I’m convinced that many organizations learned are a lot of 5010 lessons that
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Interview: Understanding Clinical Language Understanding with Carina Edwards, VP Solutions Marketing at Nuance Healthcare
There is a growing demand to extract structured, "actionable" information from unstructured (dictated) medical documents. Clinical Language Understanding (CLU) technology allows a computer to read and understand electronic free text and extract data for use in countless applications across the healthcare spectrum. To understand and learn more about CLU technology, HIT Consultant spoke with Carina Edwards, VP, Solutions Marketing at Nuance Healthcare for a deep dive into:
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3 Implications of 3M’s Open Source Health Data Dictionary
Last month, 3M Health Information Systems released their Health Data Dictionary as open source software making it free and available worldwide. The open source contract is part of an agreement with U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 3M Healthcare Data Dictionary will provide the core technology to enable semantic interoperability for the joint DoD/VA integrated Electronic Health Record (iEHR), making it possible to share medical knowledge and secure patient
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Video: How to Fill Coding Documentation Gaps When Converting to ICD-10
Here is a recent ICD-10 Summit Wrap up video interview with Mary Stanfill, MBI, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, FAHIMA, vice president of HIM consulting services at UASI talks about coding documentation gaps and the best ways to fill them in converting to ICD-10. Stanfill provides the following tips on addressing coding documentation gaps:
Identifying high risk areas suchas surgical procedures for amputations must be coded as mid, high, or low in order code the case
Improve physician/clinician
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Video: 99 Problems… and ICD-10 is one!
Making the transition to the ICD-10 code set is a massive undertaking. It will be costly, time consuming, and hardest on small practices. Doctors have to keep up with running their practice while trying to figure out all the government regulations. With frustrations mounting over the issues caused by ANSI 5010 transition and the impending ICD-10 transition, Nuesoft wanted to give a fun outlet for doctors. In the following video parody, Nuesoft employees rap about frustrations over ICD-10
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Video:Optum & UPMC Collaborate to Launch CDI Module Within Enterprise Computer-Assisted Coding Platform
With high payer scrutiny on healthcare costs, hospitals need to improve care management, coding, quality of care, and documentation efforts. A Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) program is an essential component to be competitive in today's environment.
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Understanding SNOMED CT – the What and Why?
Written by Dr. Peter Johnson, Co-Founder/Chief Terminology Director from Clinithink
Statisticians have been collecting and classifying causes of disease for hundreds of years. In fact, the well-known ICD system started as a classification of causes of death in 1855. Since then, the focus has shifted to include classifying all aspects of care for many different purposes – from billing to early disease warnings, epidemiology, health care planning and point-of-care decision support.
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Video:3M Discusses Partnership with Nuance Healthcare Solutions
Video interview with Richard Woliniewicz, Ph.D, Director NLP Advanced Technology at 3M HIS speaking during HIMSS12 about 3M's strategic partnership with Nuance Healthcare solutions
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