Infographic that surveyed non-MD healthcare professionals of how patients learn in the digital age utilizing technology for patient education
Sick with the flu and cannot find an available primary care physician? Chances are you are one of the 65 million Americans who live in an area that doesn’t have enough primary-care coverage, according to Health Resources and Services Administration. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, a projected 30 million more newly insured patients will enter the
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Healthcare Reform
Infographic: ACA Is a Tax Cut for Middle-Class Families
Center for American Progress infographic that shows how the ACA (Affordable Care Act) is actually a major tax cut for middle class families
Following the Supreme Court ruling on ACA (Affordable Care Act) show implications that it will provide the American middle class with tax savings making healthcare more affordable. In the following infographic, the Center for American Progress displays that only 1.2% of Americans that will decline the voluntary health insurance would only pay a penalty
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3 Areas Where the ACA Ruling Will Accelerate Technology Innovation
3 key areas where the recent Supreme Court ACA ruling will spur technology innovation in the healthcare industry
Last week, the Supreme Court upheld the ACA (Affordable Care Act's) individual mandate ruling it constitutional as a tax or penalty. The mandate would require everyone to have health insurance beginning in 2014 forever changing the way the country views healthcare. With this announcement, we can now move forward with the modernization of healthcare delivery through technology
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Breaking News: Supreme Court Upholds ACA
The United States Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by a 5-4 vote, ruling that the individual mandate qualifies as a tax. Chief Justice John Roberts, who was the deciding vote that deemed the mandate constitutional according to Bloomberg Law’s SCOTUS Blog. The cornerstone of the controversial individual mandate would require most Americans to carry health insurance or pay a penalty. After the ruling, SCOTUS blog watchers stated, "The bottom line: the entire ACA is upheld, with
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Video: Where Does Accountable Care Start?
Hospitals considering accountable care strategies have plenty of options to choose from, but deciding where to begin can be confusing. Joseph Damore, Vice President of Engagement and Delivery for Premier, answers the following questions during this video interview:
How can hospitals engage staff in Accountable Care?
What can hospitals do to transition from fee for service to population health?
Will the Accountable Care movement continue regardless of the fate of healthcare reform?
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Video: Pulling Off the Band Aid:Easing the Pain of Healthcare Reform
In this webinar, Dr. Russell Faust discusses the importance of Social Media and Integrative Medicine in developing an ACO (Accountable Care Organization).
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The Awkward Adolescence of Healthcare IT
No one can deny that healthcare is at a crossroads. Current thought leaders like Atul Gawande and Richard Baron have proposed that history will label our current time period as the “healthcare revolution”. The introduction and adoption of electronic medical records will have an impact no less powerful than the cotton gin had during the industrial revolution.
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Annual Healthcare Costs vs. 2012 Ford Focus: Which is Higher?
Cost of a fully loaded 2012 Ford Focus SEL midsize sedan vs. the average cost of care for a typical American? Sadly,
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Health Systems Spending Billions to Prepare for the “Last Battle”
Written by Dave Chase, CEO of Avado and was also published in Forbes.
Matthew Herper‘s May 7th cover story reports on the billionaires at Cerner and Epic created by the HITECH Act. This was the $19 billion portion of the stimulus bill that is providing billions of subsidies for the adoption of electronic health records.
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Pre-Reform Impact of Self-Pay Patients on US Hospitals
Pre-reform, many hospitals experience significant uncompensated care costs from self-pay patients. The following infographic from Objective Health illustrates the variation in self-pay uncompensated care costs across US hospitals and regions.
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