Guest post by Peggy Gavan
According to a report released by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) and National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), millions of low-income older adults are missing out on over $20 billion in free and low-cost support that could help pay for health care, prescriptions, food, and utilities. The main reason why seniors are not taking advantage of these resources? They simply don’t know the money is there for them.
In response to this disconnect, the
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Healthcare Reform
HIT Interoperability with Cameron Deemer, President at DrFirst Pt. 3
Final part of this podcast series with Cameron Deemer, President at DrFirst.
Part 3 key highlights include:
Future of the HIT industry
Remote physician patient access
This podcast is also available at our iTunes store to listen/download
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About Cameron Deemer:
As President of DrFirst, Mr.
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HIT Interoperability with Cameron Deemer, President at DrFirst Pt. 2
In this second part interview podcast, HIT Consultant speaks with Cameron Deemer, President at DrFirst provides an overview of their several offerings as part of their integrated HIT platform. This is part 2 of a 3 part podcast series with Cameron Deemer.
Part 2 Key highlights include:
Medication Reconciliation overview
Patient Innovations overview
EPCS Gold 2.0 Overview
Partnership with EHR Advisor
Interoperability vs. Fragmentation in the HIT Industry
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The Proposed Rule for Stage 2 Meaningful Use NPRM Now Available
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for Stage 2 meaningful use was posted to the Office of the Federal Register today. The proposed rule outlines the next stage of meaningful use for the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs, which are administered by CMS.
CMS has developed a fact sheet to give providers an overview of the rule and how Stage 2 expands upon Stage 1 of meaningful use. The fact sheet can be found on the EHR Incentive Programs website
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Interview/Podcast:HIT Interoperability with Cameron Deemer, President at DrFirst Pt. 1
Previously, DrFirst has been primarily known as a leader in the e-prescribing space and the only certified solution to e-prescribe controlled substances with their EPCS Gold 2.0 product. Over the years, DrFirst Inc. has evolved into a more integrated HIT platform with their approach of promoting interoperability in integrating EMR/PMS and other health IT technology. Most importantly, DrFirst strongly believes in putting the DrFirst.
In this interview podcast, HIT Consultant speaks
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Report:PPACA Would Reduce Number of Uninsured from 50 million to 26 million
In a recent report published last month by the Urban Institute and Robert Johnson Foundation states that if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is enacted, it would reduce the number of nonelderly uninsured Americans from 50 million to 26 million. However, if the Individual Mandate clause of the PPACA is repealed, the number of uninsured Americans will rise between 40 and 42 million. The report also states that ACA would increase private insurance by 7 million people and if
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Video: AHA’s CEO Rich Umbdenstock Speaks on the Accountable Care Era
January 2012 marks the start of CMS's accountable care organization experiment, in addition to the many private partnerships hospitals are forging using the ACO model. AHA (American Hospital Association) President Rich Umbdenstock talks to Hospital & Health Networks senior online editor Haydn Bush about the challenges and opportunities hospitals face in the new era of accountability.
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Video: Tips for Overcoming the Gray Areas of Meaningful Use Stage 1 for Safety Net Providers
This webinar provides tips and guidance of how safety net providers, such as health centers, critical access hospitals, and rural health clinics can overcome common gray areas of meeting Meaningful Use Stage 1 objectives. Gray areas are objectives within the final rule that are still not clear to providers.
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Video: What Will Healthcare Look Like in 2017?
Healthcare IT News recently saw down with healthcare decision makers Michael Manning, MD Medical Director, Murphy Medical Center, Greg Wolverton CIO ARcare, and James L Holly, MD CEO, Southwest Texas Medical Associates to share their insight on what they hope the healthcare system will look like in 2017.
Hopefully by 2017, there will be more interopoerability in all aspects of healthcare delivery and we have made progress on creating a more patient centered
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Healthcare Reform’s Impact: Staff and Service Cuts Expected
The newest HealthLeaders Media Intelligence Report, Reform’s Impact: Staff and Service Cuts Expected, reveals that only 40% of healthcare senior executives who completed the survey believe the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will result in better access to healthcare services, despite the fact that many pundits insists that access will be the only element of healthcare that PPACA will improve. Fully 72% believe the law will lead to increased utilization of health services.
The 2011
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