Fourteen of the top major U.S. hospitals are piloting their own trails of Apple's HealthKit platform, Reuters reports. Apple's HealthKit platform serves as an serve as an integrative hub for patient-generated health information like blood pressure, weight, heart rate, calorie burn or sleep activity with third party apps. Users can decide what information is placed in HealthKit and which apps can access their data through the Health app. Apple's rivals, Google and Samsung which have released
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Epic Systems EHR | EHR Implementations | Health IT
Wheaton Franciscan To Spend $54M on Epic Implementation
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare will reportedly spend $54 million to integrate Epic's EHR system in its 14 hospitals and more 70 physician offices, according to the Milwaukee Business Journal. The project will integrate clinical records between Wheaton Franciscan's hospitals and its physician offices that has already been running on Epic since 2012. Currently, clinicians at Wheaton Franciscan facilities can only view patients records from across the system; however, they enter any
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How Epic Competes Against Silicon Valley to Recruit Talent
Epic Systems, the dominating EHR leader has been making headlines not just for its growth, but for another interesting reason as well. The Wisconsin-based software company is led by quirky and media shy Judy Faulkner, who is the brain and motivation for the look and feel of the over 1000 acre campus that was formerly a farmland.
The company was started in 1979 in Verona, a farming suburb of Madison. What started as a small firm has since grown to over 8000 employees working on the campus. It
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Epic Systems to Offer Remote Hosting to Clients in 2015
Epic Systems is currently building a data center at its Verona, Wisconsin campus to offer remote hosting services to its clients targeted at medical groups and small hospitals, VentureBeat first reports. The decision brings the largest EHR provider closer to offering a software as a solution (SaaS) model that could help increase market share against its competitors such as Cerner, who has been offering remote hosting services since 1999. The remote hosting services will be offered first to new
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Epic Systems Partners With OHSU to Accelerate EHR Education/Learning
Verona, Wisconsin.-based Epic Systems Corp. has formed their first academics informatics program partnership with Oregon Health & Science University for medical informatics education and research purposes.
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Partners Healthcare Considers Epic Systems for Integrated Statewide System
Partners Healthcare, the state's largest healthcare provider in Massachusetts is currently in negotiations with Epic Systems to replace it's existing number of various electronic health record systems that was built in-house with a single EHR solution. The transition is expected to cost over $600 million over 10 years will move Partners in the right direction towards a more integrated, statewide system for sharing medical records. Epic Systems will allow each patient a single up to date record
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Infographic:The 20 Most Popular EMR Solutions
Infographic of the 20 most popular EMR solutions created by Capterra, Inc.
Very interesting infographic that was created by Capterra solutions from examining the EMR software companies listed in their EMR Software Directory. From there, Capterra narrowed down the list by looking at web data for each of the vendors, including Alexa rankings, Compete traffic, and Google searches. While none of these are perfect indicators of popularity (particularly for B2B websites), the data gave them a way of
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Epic Dominates in Number of Meaningful Use Attestations in 2011
The domination of Epic Systems continues according to a Meaningful Use Top 10 report released by the Institute for Health Technology Transformation leading all vendors with almost 28% (6,330) of Meaningful Use attestations in 2011. The report was compiled by vendor, state, and provider specialty based on the analysis of the most current data sets provided by the following:
CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program attestations with the
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