CliniOps Avik Pal explains why the time to revolutionize clinical trials has come.
While we tap away on our mobile devices, the healthcare industry continues to hone in on the untapped potential of connecting to the millions of users that hold them. The latest area calling for a mobile movement: clinical trials. The growing consensus: the time to clean up the clinical trial work flow has come— and mobile-driven solutions are the tools to get it done.
Despite the IT evolution in
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Clinical Trial
Mobile Application Spotlight: HP tests its new Mobile Health Monitoring Solution in Singapore
Link mobile health monitoring devices with cloud computing in the right way and you can change how we practice medicine. That's the vision behind HP's Mobile Health (mHealth) Monitoring Solution, a new, always-on, cloud-based healthcare offering that builds on research conducted at HP's Data Center Design for Cloud Computing Lab in Singapore.In a joint effort between HP in Singapore, telecommunications giant SingTel, medical device maker HealthSTATS and Singaporean health provider Frontier
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