Health measurements are requested and required by organizations for various purposes; however, many of the individual measures in use today were developed without attention to the broader context. In some cases, measurements often overlap or are redundant and are implemented for a particular purpose and circumstance.
To resolve this gap, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has outlined 15 “vital signs” or core measures for tracking progress toward improved population health management in the U.S.
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Population Health Management (PHM) in Healthcare | News, Analysis, Insights - HIT Consultant
NextGen Launches Data-Driven Population Health Solution
NextGen Healthcare, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quality Systems, Inc. and a leading provider of healthcare information systems, services, and connectivity solutions, today has announced the launch of NextGen® Care, a new population health and care management solution designed to streamline the care team’s workflow, more effectively manage patient populations, drive better outcomes and decrease cost of care delivery mandated by evolving value-based payment models. The solution provides risk
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Population Health: New Era Requires Focus on Emergent-Risk
Today’s population health strategies currently used by health plans and employer groups are missing the mark when it comes to directly affecting healthcare’s number one health challenge: arresting the trajectory of compounding chronic conditions. The 25-35% of the U.S. adult population fall within the category of those with one or more pre-chronic or early-stage chronic conditions who, if not treated with the right solutions, can quickly become patients with multiple chronic conditions who will
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Caradigm Broadens Its Portfolio of Population Health Apps
Caradigm, a provider of enterprise population health has announced its latest software release, which includes two new applications, Caradigm® Condition Management andCaradigm® Utilization Management Analytics.
These new applications help healthcare organizations improve quality and lower the cost of care for at-risk populations, and broaden Caradigm’s ability to deliver the market’s most comprehensive portfolio of enterprise population health applications. In addition, the release includes
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Majority of Clinicians Believe EHRs Are Not Sufficient for Care Coordination
Majority of clinicians (51%-53%) believe the EHRs are not sufficient enough for coordinating care, while 78 percent of office managers believe the EHR is sufficient, according to new survey by PerfectServe. The survey conducted by Nielsen looks at perspectives on HIPAA, organizational readiness for population health and challenges in care coordination from nearly 1,000 clinicians (including hospital and office-based physicians, nurses, specialists), case managers and practice
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New Patient Monitor Automates Patient Data Transfer to EMRs
Welch Allyn, a provider medical diagnostic device company, announced it has developed a new patient monitor for physician’s offices that fully automates vital signs capture and wireless data transfer to your EMR. The solutions aligns with the population health management objective to keep a patient population as healthy as possible, reducing the need for more expensive tests, procedures and office visits that add additional costs to the system. In order to do this effectively, data automation
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Continuum Health Alliance Selects Caradigm for Population Health
Caradigm, a provider of enterprise population health, today announced that Continuum Health Alliance, a physician enablement company providing practice management, population health and community care services to provider groups, has selected Caradigm as part of its population health strategy.
Continuum provides a next-generation health platform, enabling independent physician organizations, hospital-based physician groups, commercial accountable care organizations (ACOs) and MSSP ACOs to
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ZeOmega Acquires HealthUnity To Close Gaps in Interoperability
On Monday, population health management provider ZeOmega announced the acquisition of HealthUnity, a provider of interoperability solutions that enable providers, payers and public health organizations to streamline the secure exchange of patient data across disparate systems. HealthUnity offerings also include private and public HIE, master person index, referral management and patient consent to integrated delivery networks (IDNs), health systems, group practices and state collaboratives.
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Top 4 Population Health Management Challenges
As the healthcare delivery model shifts towards value based healthcare, the need for effective population health management solutions continues to grow. However, for many providers choosing the right PHM solution is still uncharted territory and the correct path isn't always clearly marked. According to a recent Chilmark Research report, healthcare organizations are currently struggling with evolving models of reimbursement while PHM vendors have yet to successfully build solutions to fully meet
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Can Esther Dyson’s Way to Wellville Challenge Improve Population Health?
It may not be a proper clinical trial, but the Way to Wellville is the beginning of something transformative for health. Esther Dyson explains.
Do you know the way to Wellville? If not, Esther Dyson hopes to point you in the right direction. Dyson, a journalist and technology investor turned wellness enthusiast, is on a mission to better health by rethinking and recreating the environment in which it can thrive. It’s a tall task, but Dyson isn’t doing it alone. In fact, she wants you to take
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