What You Should Know:
- One year ago, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden reignited the Cancer Moonshot, setting an ambitious, achievable goal: to reduce the death rate from cancer by at least 50 percent over the next 25 years, and improve the experience of people and families living with and surviving cancer, ultimately ending cancer as we know it today.
- The Cancer Moonshot has spurred tremendous action across the federal government and from the public and private
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Patient Advocate
Health Union Acquires Patient Advocate Network WEGO Health – M&A
What You Should Know:
- Health Union, the leader in building online health solutions for people living with chronic conditions, announced that it has acquired WEGO Health, the world's largest network of patient leaders - advocates, community leaders, creators and influencers. Financial details of the acquisition were not disclosed.
- Founded in 2007, WEGO Health connects the healthcare industry with the experience, skills and insights of patient leaders across virtually all health
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Patient-First Model: High Tech Meets High Touch for Individuals with Rare Disorders
Industry experts state that orphan drugs will be a major trend to watch in the years ahead, accounting for almost 40% of the Food and Drug Administration approvals this year. This market has become more competitive in the past few years, increasing the potential for reduced costs and broader patient accessibility. Currently, these products are often expensive because they target specific conditions and cost on average $147,000 or more per year, making commercialization
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COVID-19 Infects Patient & Practitioner Demands, Unsettling the Future of Hospital Operations
Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, the healthcare industry in the United States was in the midst of an intense refocusing on patient-centered care. This evolution was defined by a number of innovations, policies, and even federal reimbursement programs that prioritized emphasis on and impact on the patient experience. It led to changes in everything from the quality of hospital food, valet parking, and room amenities to fundamentally reimagined standards of care for even mundane procedures like
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15 Influential ePatients and Patient Advocates to Follow
Whether its public speaking, blogging, or tweeting, these empowered ePatient and patient advocates are changing the way we think about our role in healthcare.
If you’ve read our in-depth analysis on the Rise of the ePatient Movement, then you already know we have given careful consideration to “the what” propelling patient empowerment, but what about “the who?”After all, it’s patients who have used mobile technologies and social media outlets to tell their stories—who use apps and Internet
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