What You Should Know:
- NIH awards funding for Rare and Atypical Diabetes
Network, or RADIANT that will seek to discover the cause of
several unusual forms of diabetes.
- RADIANT plans to screen about 2,000 people with unknown
or atypical forms of diabetes that do not fit the common features of type 1 and
type 2 diabetes.
The National Institute of
Health (NIH), announced this week it is funding a nationwide study with The Rare and Atypical Diabetes
Network (RADIANT) that will seek
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National Institutes of Health (NIH)
NIH Awards $70M to Launch Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials Consortium
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced it is expected to award up to $70 million over five years to three physician-scientists to launch the Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Consortium (ACTC). The consortium will create a network of 35 Alzheimer's disease trial sites across the country with the goal of finding new ways to treat or prevent Alzheimer's. Reisa Sperling, MD, director of the Center for Alzheimer Research and Treatment at Brigham and Women's Hospital, will collaborate with
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NIH Awards UCSF Researchers $11.7M Grant to Launch Pediatric Precision Medicine Equity Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a team of UC San Francisco researchers with a four-year $11.7 million grant to launch a new Prenatal and Pediatric Genomic Sequencing (P3EGS ) program at UCSF, according to UCSF news. Over the four-year span, the program is focused on pursuing equity in the implementation of genomic precision medicine for children and families in the San Francisco Bay Area.As part of the pediatric precision medicine program, the P3EGS team will recruit 1,100
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NIH Awards Mayo Clinic $142M to Create Biobank for Precision Medicine Initiative
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Mayo Clinic $142 million over five years as part of President Obama's Precision Medicine Initiative to create the world’s largest biobank for the PMI Cohort Program. Mayo Clinic will use the funding to support the collection, storage and distribution for research use of biological samples known as biospecimens. Laboratory analyses of the biospecimens, including chemical and genetic tests, will be a key component of the core PMI Cohort Program
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ID Genomics Awarded $3.5M NIH Grant To Develop Genetic Barcoding Database for Antibiotic Treatment
Seattle biotech startup ID Genomics has been awarded a $3 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to develop a genetic "barcoding" test and global database to help doctors prescribe the correct antibiotic before patients leave the clinic.The rapid (30-minute) genetic “barcoding” test uniquely identifies bacterial strains that are stored in a proprietary database and linked to particular antibiotic resistance profiles. This database can then be used by doctors to quickly identify
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