Technology is a dominant force in healthcare. During the pandemic, healthcare systems relied on technology to swiftly move to virtual care, remote work, and more collaborative communication and data management systems – and that will accelerate. As organizations speed up their digital transformation initiatives and increase their reliance on digital applications, growing concerns about data privacy arise.
According to a 2021 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey of 167 healthcare
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knowledge management
Mayo Clinic Researchers to Validate Interoperability of Encrypted Algorithms and Training on Encrypted Data
What You Should Know:
- Mayo Clinic researchers are collaborating with TripleBlind on next generation algorithm sharing and training on encrypted data.
- TripleBlind’s solution functions as the innovative data
encryption conduit that keeps the data and intellectual property in the algorithm
TripleBlind announced
today it is collaborating with Mayo Clinic researchers
who will use TripleBlind tools to validate interoperability
of encrypted
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Amazon Alexa Is Now HIPAA-Eligible, What’s Next for Healthcare?
Big News, But Just The Beginning
These days, big news stories in healthcare are just as likely to come from large technology companies as from major healthcare institutions. Case in point: In early 2018, Amazon created a huge stir in the industry early by announcing a venture with JPMorgan and Berkshire Hathaway that promised to go after the “hungry tapeworm” that is the cost of healthcare in the
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Knowledge Management: The Key to Evidence-Based Medicine Adoption
Along with the rising costs and inequality in care access, difference in accepted clinical practices is considered the third major healthcare issue, which evidence-based medicine (EBM) is expected to tackle. However, EBM implementation is challenging both in clinical and technological realms.Evidence-based medicine (EBM) aims to provide a stronger scientific foundation for patient consulting and care through integration of clinical experience and analysis of patient vitals with up-to-date
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