XRHealth, formerly known as VRHealth, a provider of extended reality and therapeutic applications, today announced a partnership with VirZOOM, which will transform the power of VR exercise for hospitals, rehab centers and patients – equipping them to use this technology inside their home. Providers will be able to access data remotely, gaining more insight into how patients are using the joint technology.
VirZOOM /VRHealth Integration Benefits
VirZOOM sells its well-reviewed VR Fitness solutions to thousands of consumers worldwide and to commercial customers in partnership with Life Fitness. Collaborating with XRHealth will allow VirZOOM’s new VZfit VR exercise solution to be incorporated within the XRHealth platform, which includes analyzing user data, remote access for medical professionals and caregivers, etc. to see how exercise has impacted a user’s healthcare objectives.
XRHealth’s flagship product, the VRHealth Platform, is offered to healthcare facilities and provides them with VR medical apps, including cognitive assessment and training apps, motor function apps, pain management apps, and behavioral apps. The VRHealth Platform is particularly useful for medical professionals since they can analyze their patients’ data in real-time to track their recovery both on-site and remotely.
Why It Matters
“By harnessing the immersive power of VR, VirZOOM’s VZfit platform offers unique, fun, new VR-based activities that consistently motivate regular cardio exercise to consumers who need special motivation to get the regular cardio exercise that they know they need, but are not getting today,” said VirZOOM Co-Founder & CEO, Eric Janszen. “We are delighted to partner with XRHealth to extend the wellness benefits of VZfit to medical applications, including rehabilitation and physical therapy, and through the XRHealth platform deliver valuable insights into patient responses to VZfit.”