Pittsburgh-based OnlyBoth Inc., today announced the launch of its no-cost Home Health Agency benchmarking engine, which applies innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technology to Medicare data previously gathered about providers. The unique engine delivers text-based insights so users can easily compare and contrast home health agency performance for informed decision-making.
As transparency becomes more of a requirement, particularly with the CMS news about the prices this week, so will transparency in performance. OnlyBoth is trailblazing such transparency using federal data and its AI-powered engine. The no-cost Home Health Agency benchmarking engine applies innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technology to Medicare data previously gathered about providers. The unique engine delivers text-based insights so users can easily compare and contrast home health agency performance for informed decision-making.Earlier this year, OnlyBoth launched its first benchmarking engine at www.BenchMine.com, leveraging Medicare data to bring transparency to the nursing home sector.