After shutting down their non-medical home care marketplace in February, senior care startup HomeHero is rebranding as an integrative medicine company called Harvey. The company’s name derives from English physician and scientist, William Harvey, who first discovered and explained how blood circulates through the human body.The new company will focus on providing virtual consultations with functional and naturopathic doctors, in-home lab testing and natural therapies to help optimize your health
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Cedars-Sinai, HomeHero Launch Safe Transition Home Program
Cedars-Sinai has teamed up HomeHero, a Santa Monica-based non-medical home care provider to launch the Safe Transition Home program that provides safe rides and transitions for patients between the hospital and the home. The program is funded through a combination of private clients and Cedars-Sinai.Program BenefitsThe goal of the program is designed to reduce inpatient readmissions, raising patient satisfaction and improving health outcomes — challenges facing hospitals nationwide. Other key
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HomeHero Launches Care Management Platform for Hospitals, Health Plans
Today, senior home care marketplace HomeHero, has pledged to convert 100% of their care providers from independent contractors to W-2 employees, making them one of the largest employers of home care workers in California. These “Heroes” will form the foundation of the HomeHero Collaborative, a new care management platform for hospitals and health plans that connects and extends the health system into the home. The platform leverages mobile technology and in-home visits to collect critical
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HomeHero Launches the for Senior Home Care
After 6 months of building and testing, senior home care startup HomeHero has launched a proprietary 15-point algorithm that matches clients in need of a caregiver with the perfect person to meet their needs -- like the for senior home care. The SoCal-based startup can now crunch millions of data points in seconds and deliver customized caregiver matches within only 10 minutes, compared to hours or even days for traditional home care agencies (HomeHero’s own manual matching process
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