Amazon Web Services (AWS)
is now helping accurately assess, consume and analyze information related to
COVID-19 by enhancing speech-to-text accuracy of COVID-19-related
terms with Amazon
Transcribe Medical, a machine learning service that makes it easy
to quickly create accurate transcriptions from medical consultations
between patients and physicians.
These medical speech-recognition capabilities can now help
efficiently and accurately transcribe video and audio
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ART MEDICAL Unveils AI-Based Algorithms to Save ICU Patients’ Lives
ART MEDICAL, the Israeli startup that created the first smart enteral feeding solution using sensor-based technology, today announced their advanced algorithms for the company’s sensor-based smart tubes platform, which collects new, and untapped patient data to reduce the risks of medical complications. ART MEDICAL's advanced algorithms automates the placement of feeding tubes, and detection of gastric content aspiration to improve clinical outcomes.Today when a patient enters the ICU, and
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