What You Should Know:
– 1upHealth, a FHIR platform for claims and clinical data, has announced its latest software release, which includes improvements to its 1up Population Connect offering. This enhancement enables customers to query Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) APIs from major Electronic Health Records (EHRs), making data access easier and reducing administrative burdens related to clinical data acquisition.
– 1up Population Connect streamlines the process of acquiring clinical data by replacing manual and costly chart retrieval services with direct EHR integrations through FHIR APIs. The platform has established integrations with key EHR vendors, such as Epic, Oracle Health, and athenahealth, covering a significant share of the acute care hospital EHR market.
– The goal is to help health plans access external data efficiently, supporting various workflows like prior authorization, quality reporting, risk adjustment, and care management. This approach aligns with the trend towards healthcare data standardization and APIs, aiming to democratize healthcare data and improve administrative efficiency.