– CHIME and HIMSS jointly name Intermountain VP and CIO Marc Probst the 2019 John E. Gall Jr. CIO of the Year.
– The award is given annually to a CIO who has shown significant leadership and commitment to the healthcare industry during his or her career.
College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and HIMSS jointly named Intermountain CIO and VP Marc Probst the 2019 John E. Gall Jr. CIO of the Year. The award is given annually to a CIO who has shown significant leadership and commitment to the healthcare industry during his or her career. The recipient is selected jointly by the boards of CHIME and HIMSS.
Marc Probst Bio/Background
Marc Probst is the CIO and VP at Intermountain Healthcare, an integrated delivery network (IDN) based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Probst is nationally recognized as a CIO and served on the Federal Healthcare Information Technology Policy Committee which assisted in developing HIT Policy for the U.S. Government.
Probst currently is a member of the CHIME Innovation Advisory Board. He served as chair of the CHIME Board of Trustees in 2016, chair of the CHIME Foundation Board in 2017 and chair of CHIME’s Public Policy Steering Committee in 2017. As a member of the CHIME’s Policy Steering Committee, he has offered testimony on Capitol Hill, presented at several briefings in Washington, D.C, and represented the CHIME membership in numerous other ways. In 2009, he was appointed to serve on the Federal Health IT Policy Committee, which helped develop health IT policies for the federal government. His other honors include the Utah HIMSS Chapter’s 2019 Healthcare Tech Leader of the Year and CHIME’s 2018 Federal Public Policy Award for CIO Leadership.
Prior to Intermountain, Probst was a Partner with two large professional service organizations; Deloitte Consulting and Ernst & Young, serving healthcare provider and payer organizations. Probst has a significant interest in the use of information technology to increase patient care quality and lower the costs of care. He is experienced in information technology planning, design, development, deployment, and operation, as well as policy development for HIT related issues.
“Marc has contributed to our community in countless ways,” said CHIME President and CEO Russell Branzell. “He has been instrumental in CHIME’s growth, domestically and internationally. Marc taught at our very first program in India and continues to be an ambassador for CHIME around the world. He piloted our first innovation initiative and helped make Intermountain the home for CHIME Innovation. The list goes on and on, and he has done this all while running a spectacular digital enterprise at Intermountain.”