Cleveland, Ohio-based Emanate Wireless, a builder of solutions that continuously monitor the operation and productivity of key clinical assets at healthcare facilities unveiled new AI-based temperature sensors for its PowerPath™ Temp Solution. Emanate has created this solution for hospitals and clinics that dread the decades long challenge of having to monitor clinical assets such as refrigerators manually to maintain the safety of vaccines and medicines.
This ultra-low temperature sensor allows the PowerPath Temp Solution to be used to monitor cryogenic freezers, and other deep freezers used in Hospitals and other Healthcare Facilities. The Expanded Range sensor works with all current and future PowerPath Temp Monitors.
The first new temperature sensor is an Expanded Range device capable of measuring down to -200 C.
The second new temperature sensor is an Easy Wireless (Bluetooth Low Energy) device. The wireless sensor makes it very simple to deploy the PowerPath Temp Solution: Just plug in the monitor in-line with the AC power cord of the refrigerator, to monitor AC current and the operation of the refrigeration unit. Then place the Wireless Sensor inside the refrigerator to monitor temperature. No more temperature cabling is required — the wireless sensor communicates with the Monitor device using BLE. Unlike other battery powered solutions, the Easy Wireless temperature sensor is designed to last 8 years without battery change required.
The Easy Wireless sensor also works with all current and future PowerPath Temp Monitors. These two new sensors further extend the powerful advantages of the PowerPath Temp System, which include:
1) Know Sooner – As AC current data streams into a PowerPath Temp monitor, AI machine learning algorithms map incoming data into patterns. Over time, the system learns the difference between, say, a compressor normally cycling on and off versus an anomaly. It can learn when defrost cycles are likely to occur and the power patterns of a door being opened. If the system detects an event that defies expected patterns or thresholds, alarms issue to appropriate staff. These predictive alarms allow addressing underlying maintenance problems before a temperature excursion occurs, avoiding emergency responses and expensive spoilage.
2) No Nuisance Alarms – Emanate’s AI machine learning algorithms also play a powerful role in filtering out nuisance alarms, when temperature briefly changes due to normal operation, such as restocking or a defrost cycle, situations which do not require user attention. Filtering these kinds of false alarms avoids wasting staff cycles, and also avoids alarm fatigue.
3) No Maintenance – The PowerPath Temp system uses only standard infrastructure, a cloud-based server application, and zero-maintenance monitors with no-service batteries.
Emanate expects commercial shipment of both new temperature sensors to begin in the 2nd quarter, with early orders already being accepted.