Imprivata today announced a partnership with Symantec to provide a comprehensive fingerprint biometric and FICAM-certified Credential Service Provider (CSP) solution for electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS). Symantec Norton Secure Login, acting as the CSP, and Symantec Validation and ID Protection Services (VIP) seamlessly integrate with Imprivata Confirm ID™ to simplify the process of identity-proofing and credentialing prescribers to comply with DEA requirements for EPCS. This gives prescribers the flexibility to use the two-factor authentication options that best fit their organizational e-prescribing requirements.
“Our strategic partnership with Symantec provides customers with a complete, DEA-compliant solution for identity-proofing individual prescribers to help meet regulatory requirements for EPCS. The integrated solution gives administrators a single workflow for enabling the use of Symantec one-time password (OTP) tokens and/or Imprivata’s fingerprint biometric identification for EPCS,” said David Ting, chief technology officer at Imprivata. “This gives hospitals greater flexibility in matching the best two-factor authentication option to fit their prescribers’ clinical workflow requirements.”
The DEA mandates that individual prescribers obtain two-factor authentication credentials from a GSA-approved CSP such as Symantec. The combined Imprivata/Symantec solution gives providers a single, integrated workflow for completing the identity-proofing and credentialing processes, enabling them to use OTP tokens and/or fingerprint biometric identification to meet the two-factor authentication requirements for EPCS.
Imprivata Confirm ID offers provider identity-proofing, supervised enrollment of providers’ approved credentials, support for multiple DEA-approved two-factor authentication modalities for prescription signing, and comprehensive auditing and reporting tools. Imprivata Confirm ID also simplifies EPCS by integrating directly into the e-prescribing workflows of leading EHRs and giving providers the necessary flexibility to leverage the approved two-factor authentication credential options that meet their e-prescribing workflow requirements. This increases efficiency and provider satisfaction while maintaining security, which minimizes the potential for fraud or drug diversion.
“We look forward to working with Imprivata to help customers solve the critical compliance and secure workflow challenges associated with EPCS,” said Dawn Swainston, director, Business Development for Healthcare, Government and Education, Symantec. “We view EPCS as a tremendous market opportunity as organizations look to comply with the rigid security requirements for e-Prescribing, enable secure processes for managing identities and data, and address drug diversion and abuse.”