83 percent of nurses perceive that their organization’s policy allows patient care staff access to public web sites, including social media, to access general health information that will help them with patient conditions, according to a recent survey from Wolters Kluwer Health.
The findings reveal that 65 percent of nurses are using mobile devices for professional purposes at work at least 30 minutes per day, while 20 percent use them for two hours or more. Also notable, these same results indicated that the vast majority of organizations strictly prohibit actual interaction with patients through the technology.
The infographic shown below highlights some key points of the survey:
A few more highlights of the survey and the nurses’ perceptions include:
– 89 percent of healthcare organizations allow nurses to use online search engines at work
– 60 percent of respondents say they use social media to follow healthcare issues at work and 86 percent say they follow healthcare issues on social media outside of work
– Roughly one-half of the respondents saying that their organization blocks access on company networks to social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube
– Within the 95 percent who say they access health information at work, 48 percent of respondents say their healthcare institutions encourage nurses to access online resources; 41 percent allow for occasional use; and 5 percent only as a last resort
– Among those who use mobile devices at work, Nurse Managers, at 77 percent, are more likely to use them than Staff Nurses, at 58 percent.
The latest survey was sponsored by the Lippincott Solutions product team within Wolters Kluwer Health. Lippincott Solutions is a series of comprehensive, integrated software applications that includes advanced online workflow technology, current evidence-based clinical information, and professional development tools for the practicing clinician. The web suite of products helps healthcare provider organizations make evidence actionable at the bedside by supporting evidence-based practice, standardizing care, saving time, streamlining workflows, and fostering clinical excellence.
The survey results are published on the Lippincott Solutions website at www.LippincottMobile.com.