The Personal Connected Health Alliance, an international non-profit organization established by Continua Health Alliance, mHealth Summit and HIMSS to represent the consumer voice in personal connected health, formally launched today. PCHA will build upon the global reach, leadership and resources of its founding organizations, to ensure that personal connected health technologies, such as smartphones, mobile apps, sensors and personal health tracking devices, are user-friendly, secure and can easily collect, display and relay personal health data. The Alliance’s work will generate greater awareness, availability and access to plug-and-play consumer-friendly personal health technologies that empower people to better manage their health and wellness, anytime and anywhere, in an increasingly connected world.
“As healthcare delivery evolves and brings care beyond hospital walls to where we live, work, learn and play, individuals are being called upon to engage more intimately with their own health and wellness,” said Jeremy Bonfini, Executive Vice President, PCHA. “The Personal Connected Health Alliance aims to facilitate the development and widespread availability of user-friendly personal health devices, mobile apps, sensors and other connected health technologies, putting consumers in the driver’s seat when it comes to their own health.”
The mission of PCHA is to promote the adoption, standardization and appropriate regulation of personal connected health devices and systems in order to empower individuals to better manage their health and wellness from anywhere, at any time, with stronger links between consumers, their social networks and providers. Additionally, PCHA aims to nurture the technology ecosystem necessary to facilitate “big data” in healthcare. PCHA will continue to develop and publish industry standards for interoperability of personal connected health devices, via the Continua Design Guidelines and certification programs.
“Our Board of Directors is very pleased to join with mHealth Summit and HIMSS to create a strong and dynamic voice to advance personal connected health technologies,” added Clint McClellan, Board President Chair, Continua Health Alliance. “The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, recently ratified the Continua family of standards as the defacto global connected health standard for plug-and-play interoperability to create an easily accessible, user-friendly and secure network of personal connected health devices and systems. We are currently working with governments around the world, including Denmark, Abu Dhabi, Singapore and the UK, that are developing implementation plans for groundbreaking national connected health initiatives for their citizens based on Continua’s Design Guidelines.”
The Personal Connected Health Alliance will unite the continuum of care across the healthcare ecosystem, and bring together a unique combination of domestic and global expertise, along with resources focused on personalized health solutions that meet individuals’ lifestyle needs. Each participating organization – Continua Health Alliance, mHealth Summit and HIMSS – will bring a unique perspective to the Alliance, providing a holistic view and approach to promoting the advancement of healthcare technologies that focus on consumers.
“The Personal Connected Health Alliance, in cooperation with the mHealth Summit and Continua, will continue driving the industry forward by generating a new knowledge base around the personal connected health space, providing a strong and united voice on policy, regulatory issues and government relations, and advancing education and awareness for the widespread adoption of personal connected health technologies,” said Rich Scarfo, Vice President, Personal Connected Health Alliance and Director, mHealth Summit. “The mHealth Summit – the industry’s leading event focused on mobile and personal health topics – will continue to provide an important platform for the industry, and will be expanding its presence to Europe, Asia and the Middle East.”
To learn more about the Personal Connected Health Alliance,