10 companies that are transforming healthcare infographic created by Accelerated BSN Degree Programs highlights how these companies are reshaping healthcare.

Below is an overview of the 10 companies highlighted in this infographic visualization:
1. MedStartr
– Healthcare innovation crowdfunding platform
– Healthcare-related projects are hosted on the site, seeking private contributions to help meet the project’s goals
– These can include: Medical devices, new therapies, health campaigns, healthcare apps, drug development, funding for improvements
– Sample success stories:
– The Walking Gallery
– Raised: $10,948
– Reconstruction Bras For Breast Cancer Survivors and Previvors
– Raised: $10,135
– Avado: Patient Relationship Management
– Raised: $7,585
2. Epocrates
– Point-of-care mobile software connecting medical providers with on demand drug-to-drug interaction information
– Available on iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, and Android
– 200,000: Annual number of deaths from medical errors
– 16.6 million: Number of adverse drug reactions Epocrates helped avoid in 2011
– More than 1 million active members
– Including 50% of U.S. physicians
– Ranked as the #1 most innovative healthcare company by Fast Company
3. Voxiva
– Delivers interactive mobile health services
– Mobile education: Text4Baby
– Sends regular pregnancy-related health messages to expecting mothers
– Other areas of education: Smoking cessation, diabetes, children’s health, general well being
– Voxiva’s awards:
– Ranked #3 most innovative healthcare company by Fast Company
– Department of Health and Human Services Innovation Award
– Public Relations Society of America Silver Anvil
4. SafePoint
– Delivers safe, single-use syringes
– Provides education to medical practitioners around the world about the risks of reusing syringes
– Annual effects of unsafe injections
– HIV infections: 230,000
– Hepatitis infections: 21,000,000
– Hepatitis C infections: 1,000,000
– Deaths: 1,300,000
– Every 24 seconds someone dies from an unsafe injection
5. General Electric
– Vscan: A palm-sized ultrasound machine providing instant visuals of internal organs
– Works quicker, more efficiently, and more effectively
– Streamlines patient care
– Clinical applications
– Cardiac
– Abdomen
– Urinary bladder
– Pediatric
– Allows doctors the ability to more quickly provide a diagnosis and treatment options
6. NeuroVigil
– The iBrain headband is worn during sleep, recording and analyzing brain waves to help identify disease
– The technology merges neuroscience with a non-invasive wireless brain recording device and advanced algorithms
– 2 billion: Global number of people suffering from a brain or nervous system disorder
7. IBM
– Watson: A powerful artificial intelligence computer system capable of communicating in natural language
– 500 GB: Amount of data Watson can process each second
– That’s the equivalent of 1 million books!
– Watson can access far more medical research than any single physician can, allowing for the best diagnosis and course of treatment
– In one study, doctors are confronted with an average of 1,100 questions each day
– 64% are never answered
8. Esri
– “Geo-medicine”
– Esri provides interactive maps that can be programmed with region-based health risk information
– “Disease surveillance” helps track a disease’s spread geographically
– This innovative approach to public health delivers:
– Cost savings
– 10% – 30%: Average savings after implementation
– More informed decision making
– Increased public health
9. Ossur
– Smart prosthetics powered by bionic technology
– Onboard computers adapt to individual movement styles, such as gait
– Capable of functioning in multiple environments and terrains
– The onboard computer can learn and improve and adapt
10. Athenahealth
– Cloud-based management solution
– athenahealth takes care of the life-jeopardizing inefficiencies of administrative and recordkeeping tasks, freeing healthcare providers to see more patients
– Streamlines and saves:
– 12%: Average increase in revenue
– 3.8%: Average increase in patient volume
– 16%: Average decrease in no-shows
– 38,145: Number of medical providers already using athenahealth