Contributed by Cherie Lester, Senior Healthcare IT Recruiter at Holland Square Group offers her insights when applying online AKA the resume blackhole
How many times have you applied through a company web site never to hear a response? Perhaps you’ve applied through a company web site and received a call from a recruiter months later after you’ve already landed a new position? These scenarios are all too common, particularly in the Healthcare industry. Applying through a hospital web site can be akin to circular filing your resume…pointless.
With that being said, do continue to make the effort to upload your resume via company web sites, but also back up your efforts with the following suggestions:
- Search LinkedIn to locate the probable hiring manager for your desired position (ex: IT Director of XYZ Hospital) and reach out to them directly on LinkedIn. Let them know you’ve applied online and would like to also send your resume to the appropriate person via email as you are very interested in the specific position.
- Review the original job posting that drove you to the company web site for a name of a Recruiter or Hiring Mgr. Wait 1 week after applying and then put a call in to that person to find out if you are being considered for the role. Many sites will specify NO PHONE CALLS, if this is the case you can usually Google and figure out the email string for the company and then email the person instead.
- Make sure you keep a spreadsheet with the names of the companies you have applied to, the date you applied and the method you used to apply.
Keep these things in mind:
- If your qualifications do not match the requirements of the position it is likely you will not be chosen and your efforts will be time wasted.
- If your qualifications are a close match but you are missing one or two of the requirements, when you follow up be prepared to give an over-view on why you’d be a good investment for the company even though you are lacking certain skills or experience.
- If you’ve made the effort to follow up 2x and still have not received a response, check that position off your list and let it go.
- Remember that HR Departments and Recruiters receive as many as 100’s of resumes a week. It takes time to go through them all. If you have not received an personal response (automated emails don’t count) within a few weeks of your submittal, it is unlikely they will be moving forward.
In today’s electronic age when we rarely hand a resume to someone face to face anymore, navigating the virtual process can be frustrating, especially when you’re confident that your qualifications are exactly right for the role you are applying for. Hopefully by using the above contact methods you will increase your chances of an interview.