GE Healthcare CPOE & Innovations in ePrescribing Webinar
November 15, 2011
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST
Space is limited.
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CPOE & Innovations in ePrescribing
Are you interested in the many benefits of e-prescribing beyond simply achieving Meaningful Use? Are you aware of all the innovative and valuable e-prescribing features available in EMR/EHRs and CPOE?
Please join our panel of industry experts for a discussion of e-prescribing trends and innovation, EHR/EMR, CPOE, and Meaningful Use.
Click here to reserve your Webinar seat now!
Featured Speakers:
Karen Bell, MD, MMS
Chair, Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT)
Bob Beckley
Board of Trustees Member, National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), former Sr. VP, Customer Innovation, Surescripts
Lathe Bigler
Senior Director, Clinical Services, Emdeon
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