EHR provider DrChrono Inc. and Genomind, which offers a unique personalized medicine platform that brings innovation to healthcare around the world, today announce a partnership to meet the growing need from both patients and doctors for personalized genetic tests that integrate with electronic health records.
AS part of the partnership, physician practices using DrChrono’s platform can order test kits for Genomind’s Genecept Assay®, which helps guide mental health treatment and has been used by over 120,000 patients. The partnership also includes Genomind’s Mindful DNA Professional®, a genetic test used by clinicians that helps guide lifestyle, diet and/or nutritional supplement decisions to improve the overall health and wellbeing of patients.
The partnership means participating doctors can access Genecept Assay and Mindful DNA Professional patient test results and use Genomind’s real-time gene-drug-environmental interaction tool, Genomind Drug Interaction Guide (G-DIG)®. G-DIG allows the clinician to utilize the Genecept Assay results and enter a current medication regiment when considering what medications to prescribe to a patient; it quickly checks for gene-drug and drug-drug interactions.
Clinicians and patients will benefit in important ways from the partnership. When a physician orders test kits through the DrChrono electronic health record platform, it will capture patient demographics and applicable clinical information. Doctors also will be able to see test results in the application, and final results are stored in the DrChrono information library for the patient, becoming part of the patient’s medical record.
“We are proud that DrChrono, after a thorough review, has chosen Genomind for this important initiative. DrChrono is a leader in helping doctors focus on what matters most—the patient,” said Dr. David Krause, Chief Medical Officer at Genomind. “We often hear from patients whose health and quality of life have been dramatically improved by Genomind’s genetic test products, whether in the form of medication optimization through information provided by the Genecept Assay or an improvement in wellness provided by Mindful DNA Professional results. We are excited to help even more patients get better, by partnering with DrChrono and the practices it supports.”