Solera Health, an integrated benefit network, and WellDoc, a leading digital therapeutic company has announced that WellDoc’s BlueStar® digital therapeutic will join the Solera network as a diabetes management solution of choice. The integration partnership aligns both companies’ goals to improve the lives of those living with chronic diseases while enhancing clinical results and decreasing overall healthcare costs.
Solera Health connects patients, payers and physicians with community organizations and digital therapeutics providers delivering evidence-based prevention, coping and support services. The company’s national and scalable model of integrating highly fragmented non-medical programs and services into an integrated network helps individuals identify the “best fit” program provider based on their unique needs and preferences. Solera’s model is driving industry-leading sustained engagement and outcomes and lessening the administrative burden for payers to access a broad network of high-performing solutions providers.
WellDoc’s FDA-cleared, proven digital therapeutic, BlueStar, provides real-time and timely individualized coaching and support, as well as diabetes educational tools that are actionable and personalized for each individual. WellDoc is one of the first digital health companies to conduct randomized clinical trials that demonstrate significant clinical outcomes, as published in more than 30 peer-reviewed journals and posters presented at leading industry conferences.
Truven Health Analytics, part of the IBM Watson Health business, recently conducted an analysis for WellDoc using the MarketScan Research Databases. By WellDoc applying these new Truven Health findings to previous research it conducted about BlueStar’s ability to lower and control A1C, the data show that BlueStar can save on average a range of $254 to $271 per user per month.
“The addition of BlueStar to our network of evidence-based solution providers enables Solera to offer a broader, more comprehensive approach to diabetes prevention and management that drives sustained consumer engagement and clinical outcomes,” said Brenda Schmidt, CEO of Solera Health in a statement. “WellDoc is an ideal partner to help fill this need as BlueStar delivers impressively on both — individual commitment and clinically-validated results — as evidenced by the data we’ve seen to date.”