Document Storage Systems, Inc. (DSS, Inc.), a provider of health information technology (HIT) solutions for federal, private and public healthcare organizations, today announced a partnership with Jvion, Inc., developer of an artificial intelligence (AI) solution. The partnership will deliver patient-specific risk propensity and clinical action recommendations that will improve the health of Veterans.
With the combined power of Jvion’s Cognitive Clinical Success Machine and DSS’s implementation methodology and VistA expertise, this new partnership will allow the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to leverage technological AI innovation and support for helping Veterans to achieve better health outcomes with fewer clinical and financial resources.
Jvion’s Cognitive Clinical Success Machine combines Eigenspace and Eigen Sphere technology to deliver a comprehensive patient view amplified beyond the risk of an event to the clinical actions that will improve outcomes and drive engagement. By applying this Eigen-based machine to the VA patient population, the agency will be able to reduce target medical events including:
– Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations (ACSH)
– Pressure Injuries (Ulcers)
– Clostridium Difficile Infections (CDIs)
In addition to improving patient-level outcomes, the new partnership can effectively support Veteran Health Administration’s (VHA) Strategic Analytics for Improvement and Learning (SAIL), a system for summarizing hospital system performance within the VA. SAIL assesses 25 Quality Measures in areas such as death rate, complications, and patient satisfaction, as well as overall efficiency and physician capacity at individual VA Medical Centers.