Jamaica Hospital Medical Center (JHMC) has announced a pilot program to offer a virtual National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) platform to 66k New Yorkers. The program will deploy mobile coaching platform Noom to provide a user-centric, mobile coaching experience that engages and empowers individuals achieve their health goals and effortlessly monitor their progress in real time via their smartphone.
With more than five million people in New York with prediabetes, Jamaica sought out a scalable mobile solution to help drive positive behavior change so it could prevent and delay onset of chronic diseases. Jamaica Hospital Medical Center currently serves a population greater than 1.2 million in Queens and eastern Brooklyn
With Noom’s scalable behavior change platform, JHMC can prioritize NDPP outreach and potentially yield higher engagement rates while delivering guidance at the moment of greatest impact.
“As a healthcare organization, we are dedicated to improving access to high-quality preventive care and enhancing the overall health of our community. At present, we have in-person NDPP classes to help participants reduce their risk of diabetes. Unfortunately, some participants have trouble juggling their busy schedules to attend these sessions and managing their paper-based food logs,” said Lorena Akerman, MS, RD, CDN, CDE in an official statement. “With a mobile app, patients can log food, message coaches and monitor their progress in real time. We believe that this unique user experience may benefit our patients and our team. It has the potential to extend the reach of our prevention efforts and impact more individuals that are at-risk for developing type 2 diabetes.”
Noom’s Mobile Coaching Platform
Noom’s coaching platform combines human and artificial intelligence to deliver successful behavior change programs that scale. The company’s current programs target the prevention of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, and are pending recognition by the CDC.
Healthcare providers who use Noom’s coaching platform have access to a customizable dashboard and messaging system allowing them to monitor and communicate directly with their program participants.
Participants follow a program that includes daily tasks assigned by a trained coach, short-form education content, food-logging, exercise-logging, one-on-one coaching and group support. The ultimate goal is to drive lasting behavior change for healthier habits.