21. 25th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey
Key findings from the 25th Annual 2014 HIMSS Leadership Survey, which highlights the journey of health IT over the past 25 years. The Survey examines a wide array of topics crucial to healthcare leaders including IT priorities, issues driving and challenging technology adoption and IT security.
22. State of Mobile Technologies in Healthcare Today
Key findings from HIMSS Analytics 3rd Annual Mobile Survey, which examines the mHealth landscape and examines the use of mobile devices in provider patient care improvement initiatives.
23. Intersecting Trends in HIT: Population Health Management & Business Intelligence
Illustrates how population health management and business intelligence tools are playing a bigger role in the changing HIT landscape created by CDW Healthcare.
24. Rx for Doctor Disconnect
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nearly 90% of physicians are using smartphones, but only a tenth of our hospitals are offering a secure texting solution at their facilities. Infographic highlights the doctor disconnect trend by exploring the key issues and risks contributing to poor physician engagement created by Voalte.
25. HIMSS: The State of Healthcare Innovation 2014
Key findings from the 2013 Healthcare Provider Innovation Survey with select U.S. hospitals, academic medical centers, children’s and ambulatory care centers to understand the current state of innovation within provider organizations by HIMSS and AVIA.