9 key tips for healthcare IT disaster recovery planning to help healthcare organizations target a reliable disaster recovery data center.
Data is a healthcare provider’s most valuable asset; it must be protected. At times, it is often the most easily forgotten asset for healthcare organizations. Loss of data impacts every aspect of healthcare operations—business, reimbursement, research and most importantly…patient care.
With natural disasters on the rise and hurricane season upon us, the best way for providers to protect data is to keep a copy safely outside of their local area. Recent events, such as this year’s Oklahoma tornado reiterate this fact: all provider organizations must have a reliable disaster recovery data center to ensure the security and reliability of patient information.
The following infographic created by GNAX Health, provider of cloud computing, cloud storage, remote hosting, archiving and vna for healthcare providers illustrates 9 key tips to help healthcare organizations target a reliable disaster recovery data center. It also highlights importance of site selection, vendor selection and why Atlanta, GA is an ideal location for healthcare disaster recovery data center.

GNAX Health, based in Atlanta, Georgia, offers fully mirrored, diverse geographic duplication to healthcare provider organizations, while at the same time ensuring HIPAA compliance. All data is replicated in real time to a GNAX data center, from which point it is replicated to a second GNAX center. Even in the case of a tremendous regional catastrophe, the organization’s data is still accessible and available. Business continues. Revenue flows. And patients receive care.