Michael Planchart, aka The EHR Guy has unveiled this year's #HIT100 list that recognizes the leading thought leaders supporting the #HITsm and #HealthIT social media communities by contributing insightful tweets, articles, books, blogging, etc. Previous top 5 influencers include @HealthcareWen, @ahier, @MandiBPro, @Brad_Justus, @ePatientDave, and others. Here is the official #HIT100 for 2016: 1. Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro2. Christoph Trappe @CTrappe3. William G. Esslinger, Jr. @billesslinger4. John
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Official 2012 #HIT100 List
Here is the official #HIT100 list for 2012. Congrats to everyone who made the list including some of my closest peers. Special thanks to Michael Planchart, aka @theEHRguy for all of his hard work in compiling this list and creating a collaborative community of HIT professionals.
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